Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Random thoughts, musings, memories and insights into a life fit for a King
Random thoughts, musings, memories and insights into a life fit for a King
Life – to me – is truly fascinating. The daily challenges and accomplishments that generate experiences accumulate over time to allow an individual to morph from an innocent and frail infant who is totally dependent on others for basic life surviving support into a seasoned, experienced and generally self-sufficient human- all in the blink of an eye it would seem. Having reached an age where my life’s reflections appear frequently, your host thinks it to be prudent to begin to share some of those life experiences in some manner.
A bit of a background as to why this site exists….
I find it interesting that many famous individuals generally have their lives documented and placed within the public domain. Perhaps via a biography, auto biography, documentary, biopic, etc. And yet…. the vast majority of humans’ stories – those less famous shall I suggest – get lost over time. And I believe that a real, honest glimpse into the human psyche can be found within those long forgotten and undocumented experiences. I know little about my grandparents, and basically nothing about the generations before them. And I am positive that if I had access to their experiences in some manner, I would find it immensely interesting. Not only to identify genealogical patterns but to know their own challenges and accomplishments. What were their hobbies? Their passions? Who were they – like – really?
This site is merely intended to capture the identity of me. Yes – self-serving for sure. But as I am not – nor do I intend to be – a famous person, I am unaware of anyone who would be interested in documenting me. And at this stage of my life I feel compelled – perhaps even driven – to document me to hopefully allow future generations to have a decent idea of the me that is part of their bloodlines.
This will, however, NOT be an autobiography. I haven’t the patience to even begin to learn how to structure that type of artifact. This will be a place where I post whatever will be present for me in the moment. Perhaps more aligned with a journal of sorts but certainly not a daily diary. I think topics might be random and rather far ranging. You can expect postings that address my life’s passions that include music, sports, family, and – yes – dogs! I expect stories of adventures with my friends to find their way into the mix, as well as memories of my parents and siblings. And – idk – maybe a thought or two or fifty addressing my love for the Indy 500. Perhaps I will find myself pontificating on current events or societal challenges as I see them. Please know that – in whatever might surface – there is no intention of creating controversy on the post. It hopefully will provide some reasonably robust representation of who I am. I’m rather sure I’ll discover things about myself as I progress, which just might be the subconscious driver for this endeavor as I continue in my quest to become a self-actualized human.
I am excited to begin documenting my thoughts and memories and opening up myself – my real self – to others. In closing – in the words my fave Halloween character – “I bid you… welcome.”