John J.

John J.


No doubt there will be more on this topic to follow… Bono’s speech for The Boss’ Induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is below. ‘He created an alternative mythology. One where ordinary lives become extraordinary and heroic’…

Jude’s Top 10 All Time Songs

A lengthy post I fear requiring a pre-amble – to make it even longer! The passion I feel for music is derived from my father. Frank seemingly always had music playing in the background in our house when I was…

The King of the Speedway Realm (WTF?)

For us regular attendees of the absolute most awesome live experience on the planet (need I say the Indianapolis 500?), a special day arrives – unannounced – in the mailbox each spring. This being the arrival of the iconic magic…


Life – to me – is truly fascinating. The daily challenges and accomplishments that generate experiences accumulate over time to allow an individual to morph from an innocent and frail infant who is totally dependent on others for basic life…